Wednesday 14 October 2009


Dear You,

So, today I went to the Tate Modern to see the Pop Life Exhibition... it was amazing!!! The highlight, apart from the 80s/90s dance music playing around the place and seeing a Keith Haring room, was the Takashi Murakami sculptures and music video installation. When I tried to find the video on the internet I stumbled on this one for Louis Vuitton... it's pretty cute...

I'm going to upload the photos from the weekend and today sometime this week, when I find my card reader...


Monday 12 October 2009


Dear You,

Hello again! Blimey, it's been a long weekend and all I can think of right now is that I'm craving Oreos... and also, I forgot to write a post on Friday after my photo cropping workshop. The pictures weren't that good quality, so I picked out the 'best' ones...

The other picture was from the Anish Kapoor exhibit at The Royal Academy of Arts (below).

The presentation used at the beginning was handy, in terms of taking us through the different ways of cropping photos to project a mood...

I think tonight calls for a night in with a film (Inland Empire and/or True Romance most probably), a bowl of popcorn and an early night... I'll be back tomorrow with a slightly longer post once I've uploaded my photos!

bonne soirée!

Thursday 8 October 2009


So... this feels slightly like I'm writing a postcard...

Dear You,

I've had my first session of VCT today, and I have to say it was refreshing to get back into discussing the contextualization of Graphic Design. We looked at designer's work and movements
, and after coming out of the session, I headed home and started drawing. The pictures below are of my sketchbook entries from today. The pictures might not be the best quality, but they show the work, and I guess that's all that matters...

(Blackberry image my appologies)

This is a bizarre creature i thought up after looking at a selection of work by Nick Gazin(, Annabel Dover( and Lucinda Rogers(

Recently, I went to visit my friend Lucie in Bournemouth, where we went for lunch at a place called Sixty Million Postcards. The name deriving from the fact that when they opened, sixty million postcards had been received in Bo
urnemouth. While there I picked up a flyer with a drawing of a rabbit on the front. I later discovered it was by a woman called Kate Copeland. "I've just completed a series of 10 illustrations for 580 Limited, to be used for promotional use in the bars. A different illustration will be used for each monthly flyer in Sixty Million Postcards, Bournemouth" said Copeland on

There you go, my inspiration behind the 'Sweer' I created. I hope to be drawing and taking proper photos more regularly from now on, so watch this space...